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Vision: Self-Regulation  with accreditation  
Helping Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to globally benchmark with the best in the class by adopting peer reviewed independent internationally accepted and validated accreditation standards offered by select & elite Accreditation institutions

Self-Regulation with Accreditation,  

 Education is the key to unlocking a brighter future.  At SEAA Trust, we believe that every Higher Education Institution (HEI) should benchmark  itself with the best in class globally  to help build leadership for future.

Our mission is to empower education in India by providing access to quality education, teacher training, and community development programs in association with United Nations Global Compact Network India (UNGCI) as its member.  Join us in making a difference and help us create a better future for the next generation. Keep tracking  our website to learn more about our campaign for self-regulation with accreditation. 


#SEAATrust  #international accreditation #accreditation standards.  Brochure: 


Top Rated International Accreditation Agencies  have been presenting at SEAA Conferences since  2008. 


FDP on International Accreditation 

Future leadership cannot be unaware of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) concerns which means knowledge of UNGCN's SDGs, PRME's six principles and Social Impact assessment to understand the direction in which one is going! SEAA Trust has been in the forefront of advocating and training B-school leadership in all these areas!

Know more! 


Sustainability  is the by-word for future 

The just concluded FDP on International accreditation presented jointly by  AIMS & SEAA and hosted by ISBR Business School  Bangalore on May 11 & 12 2024  had been a tremendous success marking the beginning of such a series around the country.  see page 

SEAA Conference themes  2008-2023

  1. 1. International Accreditation Advocacy for Global Quality Benchmarks

  2. 2. Globalizing B-schools with Accreditation

  3. 3. Cutting Edge Quality with accreditation

  4. 4. Raising the Quality Bar through International accreditation

  5. 5.  Cutting edge benchmarks for Global quality

  6. 6. Build campus quality with International accreditation

  7. 7. It s all about students, emerging trends in teaching  & learning

  8. 8. Accreditation edge in business education leadership

  9. 9. Go global with accreditation 

  10. 10. Self-regulation & global quality through accreditation 

  11. 11. Accreditation & After, the power of benchmarking with the best

  12. 12. Millennial job challenge, How B-schools could respond with accreditation 

  13. 13.  Re-imagining Business Education with cutting edge quality strategy

  14. 14. "Leadership building for the Digital future-the B-school challenge"

  15. 15. "Social Impact of Business Education"

  16. 16. "Winning Strategies to build socially impactful MBAs"

The  United Nations Global Compact india of which we have been members for some years now looked  at the entire industry consumer ecosystem from the  standpoint of development which is also sustainable. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals  SDGs enunciated by the  the Global  Compact has placed the industry in the center of the  society  where it is expected to meet the needs of the society on a sustainable basis. 

SEAA Trust, New Delhi as member of the UN Global compact  has been  spearheading the  Industry 4.0 debate and the discussions on the New Education Policy of 2019 from the perspective of what is needed for the society  and try and understand what the Business Education  processes can do to  impact the society by building  leaders sensitive to the society needs. 

International Accreditation agencies have also understood this shift and  all the top accreditors have included social goals as part of the  assessment process being rolled out while they evaluate the  institutions for accreditation. Our Revised 15th Edition of  Accreditation Handbook of 2024 in partnership with Indus Business Academy would reflect this new development as well. 



SEAA Trust New Delhi has over a decade long association with Peregrine  Academic services and its constituents which have all been brought under a single banner Peregrine Global a year ago. We had signed a MoU  with Peregrine as an Academic partner in our endeavor to bring together all the top rated accreditation agencies on the same platform to advance the cause of global accreditation and also introduce Peregrine online assessment and academic services to the Indian market.  We   also introduced the Instant cases of the Business School Resource center successfully. 

 The recent two day 16th International Accreditation Conference using the Virtual/online platform which we concluded in the  month of October 2023  was based on the theme of social impact of Business Education. There was   overwhelming participation of accreditation systems and B-schools at the event.   We want to sincerely thank the agencies, supporters, the participants and the sponsors for the success of the event. You can see the agenda in this link  

3rd Dr Olin International Accreditation Leadership Award 2024: Call for Nominations 

The Late Dr Olin Oedekoven, founder of Peregrine Global

We call for nominations from Internationally accredited schools of one individual per institution  with evidence of their leadership and participation in the international accreditation process. The final selection would be based on an international jury panel  which will look into the  original contribution of the  nominee individual to the cause  of  growing international accreditation standards  and also  their commitment to  continuously improving

Global quality among the  Indian Business Education community.  Nomination form​​

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