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Congratulations to the prize winners of the 6th Peregrine Global - SEAA Students Case competition & the SEAA - Rhyllis Rae Student  Leadership Trophy 2022 

Winner of 1st prize at Peregrine Global Students Case competition & 4th SEAA - Rhyllis Rae Students Leadership Trophy

Team : Anurag Moudgil, Vidhushi Allay, Shilpa Pathania, Yuvaraj Goswami

Team : Nemuutsetseg  Batjargal, Anita Panigrahi, Erdenebat Purevsuren

Mandakh University Mongolia:  Team: 
Ankhbayar Ganbayar, Maralgoo Zorigoo, Delgersaikhan Ariunsaikhan

GRG School of Management Studies Coimbatore

Team : Prashitha G, Yogitha Mumti A, Mithraadevi R

IIHMR Bangalore
Team: P S Karpaga Priya, Dr Shushruta Baisa, Dr Upasana Bajpai

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bangalore
eam: Prerna Nayak, Abin Thomas, Priyansh Singh

Chitkara Business School
Team:  Arshdeep Singh, Anureet kaur, Ojesvi Malhotra
, Divya Gargh

The Theme:   "Social Impact of Business Education" 

Sub-themes :   

1. B-school commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

2. B-school society outreach challenge 

3. Connecting curriculum to Business Reality 

4. Business Education impact on Business and Political environment 

5.  Knowing, learning and Doing,  Are B-schools able to connect these to their  social commitment ?

6.  Measuring Social Impact of Business Education, the challenges

The founder of the modern Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, once said:

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well."


We are in the Sixth year of the Peregrine Global SEAA students case competition. We would like to thank all the  participating teams of the past from around the world and greet the current year's teams for their  winning entries. 


The competition and the Student Leadership Trophy bearing the name of Rhyllis Rae  Oedekoven is being conducted to showcase the student talent and their commitment to hold the flag of Global Quality high with their performance at the campus. 



The student workshop  marking the  close of the competition to announce the winners and showcase the winning entries  is also unique  and has won a whole lot of attention from the Business School campuses worldwide.


This  year the workshop was  held on November 26, 2022 which is a Saturday on the virtual mode  between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Indian Standard Time (IST). The theme of the workshop is " social impact of business education" . 


First Position : Team 2: Chitkara University Business School 

2nd Position: Otgontenger Univrsity Mongolia 

Third Position:  IIHMR  Bangalore 

Special Mention: Team 1 :Chitkara University Business School 

Special Mention: Christu Jayanthi Bangalore 

Special Mention: Mandakh University Mongolia

Every year for the past six years, we have been bringing out an an annual Newsletter dedicated to the Peregrine Global Case Competition for private circulation only. This year's letter contains besides  information about the competition,  some of the cases we selected and sent for second round discussions and the Essays which the winning teams  that included First, Second, Third and Special mention position winners. 

The content rich Newsletter would be updated  with more information as we receive feedback from the survey  which we had initiated among the student community as to what their ideas are  about how  the social impact can be created by Business Schools. 

Special Mention: GRGSMS Coimbatore

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